Click on the link to view the publication.
VanBergeijk. E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012). New legislation supports students with intellectual disabilities with post-secondary funding. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42 (11): 2471-2475.
VanBergeijk. E.O., Klin, A., and Volkmar, F.R. (2008). Supporting more able students on the autism spectrum: College and beyond. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38: 1359-1370.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2007). Mandated reporting among school personnel: Differences between professionals who reported suspected case and those who did not. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 15 (2): 122-132.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Sarmiento, T. (2006). The consequences of reporting child maltreatment: Are school personnel at risk for secondary traumatic stress? Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention, 1 (2): 1-20.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Sarmiento, T. (2005). On the border of disorder: School personnel’s experiences reporting child abuse on the U.S.-Mexico border. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 5 (2): 1-27.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Shtayermman, O. (2005). Asperger’s Syndrome: An enigma for social work. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2(1): 23-37.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2024). Residential options and treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum, pp. 249-274. In McPartland, J., Reichow, B. and Volkmar, F.R. (Eds.). Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. 2nd ed. New York: Springer. DOI:
VanBergeijk, E.O. (Accepted 2022). Applications of EBP in Community Settings. In Reichow, B., Doehring, P., & Volkmar, F. (expected 2023). Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Springer-Verlaug, New York, NY.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021). Employment Trends for People with ASD. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021). Pre-employment skills for People with ASD. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021). The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021). Title IX. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2021). The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
Sherry, M.D. and VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Community integrated residential services for adults with autism. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Entrepreneurial supports. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). FAFSA. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Rehabilitative engineer. P. 2540. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Situations Options Choices Consequences Strategies and Stimulation Program (SOCCSS). In: Volkmar F.R. (ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Sports. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Travel training. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2021). Vocational training. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Edition). .New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O., Ranaldo, M., and Shtayermman, O. (2014). Teaching STEM to students on the autism spectrum. In Satasha Green (Ed.) STEM Education: Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Cavanagh, P.K., and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014). Residential options and treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum. In McPartland, J., Reichow, B. and Volkmar, F.R. (Eds.). Adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders. New York: Springer.
Cavanagh, P.K. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013). Transition plans for students with autism and other intellectual disabilities. Pp. 875-887. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P.A. Meares (Eds.), School services sourcebook (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Sherry, M.D. and VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Community integrated residential services for adults with autism. Pp. 753-762. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013). Identifying child abuse or neglect: Effective strategies in a school setting. Pp. 339-348. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P.A. Meares (Eds.), School services sourcebook (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Entrepreneurial supports. Pp.119-1120. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). FAFSA. Pp. 1247-1248. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). Pp. 1578-1580. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Rehabilitative engineer. P. 2540. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Situations Options Choices Consequences Strategies and Stimulation Program (SOCCSS). Pp. 2869-2870. In: Volkmar F.R. (ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Sports. Pp. 2968-2975. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Travel training. Pp. 3159-3164. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2013). Vocational training. Pp. 3331-3338. In: Volkmar F.R. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.
VanBergeijk, E.O., Klin, A., Volkmar, F.R. (2011). Q71: What can help people with autism spectrum conditions to find and keep employment? Pp: 241-244. In Autism spectrum conditions: International experts answer your questions on Autism, Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS. Sven Bölte and Joachim Hallmayer (Eds.). Mannheim, Germany: Hogrefe Publishing.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010). Foreword. In Disability Hate Crimes: Does Anyone Really Hate Disabled People? Mark Sherry (Author). Ashgate Publishing, London, UK.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2006). Identifying child abuse or neglect: Effective strategies in a school setting. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P.A. Meares (Eds.), School services sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press.
VanBergeijk, E. O., and McGowan, B. G. (2001). Children in foster care. In Handbook of social work practice with vulnerable populations. Alex Gitterman (Ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
McKay, M. and VanBergeijk, E. O. (2001). School based and school linked field of practice at Columbia University School of Social Work. In A Centennial of Social Work Practice at Columbia University School of Social Work. R.A. Feldman, (Ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2022). [Review of the book. Hannah Gadbsy. Ten steps to Nanette. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2017). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 8]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (1):2945 - 2946.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015). [Review of the book. Dave Kot and Angela Kot: Face Value Comics, No.1]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (1):
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015). [Review of the book. Kascia Hanska. Hamburger syndrome: A story of adult autism]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (8):2649-2650.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015). [Review of the book. Alex Olinkiewicz. In my mind: My journey through life with Asperger’s/autism]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (8): 2647 - 2648.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 7]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44 (8): 2081-2083.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014). [Review of the book. Arthur Fleischmann & Carly Fleischmann. Carly’s Voice: Breaking through autism]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44 (8): 2084-2085.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014). [Review of the book. John J. Ratey. Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(4): 990-991.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 6]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013). [Review of the book. Matthew Dicks: Memoirs of an imaginary friend]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43 (8): 1988.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). [Review of the book. David L. Marcus. What it takes to pull me through: Why teenagers get into trouble and how four of them got out.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42 (10): pp. 2266-2267.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). [Review of the book. Mitchell Taubman, Ron Leaf, and John McEachin. Crafting connections: Contemporary Applied Behavior Analysis for enriching the social lives of persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42 (9): p. 2025.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). [Review of the book. Sarita Freedman. Developing college skills in students with autism and Asperger’s syndrome]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42 (3): pp.470-471.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). [Review of the book. John Merges. Social enjoyment groups for children, teens, and young adults with autism spectrum disorders: Guiding toward growth]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,42 (2): pp. 321-322.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). [Review of the book. Richard Bromfield. Doing therapy with children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome.]. Children & Youth Services Review,33: pp. 1759-1760.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). [Review of the book. Jodi Picoult. House rules.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41 (6): p. 835.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 5]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,41 (3): pp. 381-382.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). [Review of the book. Portia Iversen. Strange son: Two mothers, two sons and the quest to unlock the hidden world of autism.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,41 (1): p. 131
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 4]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40 (12): p. 1554.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 3.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,40 (11): p.1421.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010). [Review of the book. Daniel Tammet. Born on a blue day: Inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic savant.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(10): p.1293.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child, Volume 2.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(8): p. 1044.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2009). [Review of the book. Keiko Tobe. With the light: Raising an autistic child.]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39 (10): p. 1497.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2009). [Review of the book. Genevieve Edmunds and Luke Beardon. Asperger syndrome & employment: Adults speak out about Asperger syndrome]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39 (9), 1366.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and LaVoie, A. (2024, April). Understanding Insurance Coverage for Autism and Co-Occurring Visual Impairment. Autism Spectrum News, 16 (4): pp. 9,14.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and LaVoie, A. (2024, January). Helping Youth with Low vision and Blindness Transition into the World of Work. Exceptional Parent Magazine, pp. 58-60.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and LaVoie, A. (2024, January). Helping Youth with Low vision and Blindness Transition into the World of Work. Exceptional Parent Magazine, pp. 58-60.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2022). (Accepted). Not for the Faint of Heart: Malpelo, Island. New England Aquarium Dive Club Newsletter
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2022). (Accepted). In Search of an Apex Predator. New England Aquarium Dive Club Newsletter
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021, Fall). Camping on the Sea: Blackbeard’s Cruises. New England Aquarium Dive Club Newsletter.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Lengyel, L.S. (2021 July). A Brief History of Special Education Milestones - The First 50 years Part II. Exceptional Parent Magazine. 50th Anniversary Issue. pp. 25-29.
Lengyel, L.S. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021, June). A Brief History of Special Education Milestones - The First 50 years Part I. Exceptional Parent Magazine. 50th Anniversary Issue. pp. 25-29.
VanBergeijk, E.O. & DiGregorio, K. (2021, Spring): A Scaffolded Approach to Supporting Individuals with Autism in the Community. Autism Spectrum News, 13 (4) Pp: 4, 35.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2021, January). Selecting a Post-secondary Program in the Time of COVID-19: Factors to Consider. Exceptional Parent Magazine. 2021 Resource Guide: Navigating Special Needs Resources. pp. 40-43.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2020, April). Using Summer Programming to Prepare for Post-Secondary Education. Autism Spectrum News,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2020, January). Selecting Summer Programming: How Do Parents Choose?
Exceptional Parent Magazine. 2020 Resource Guide: Navigating Special Needs Resources. pp. 32-34.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Ochs, C. (2019, Fall). Promoting Community Engagement and Social Connections Through Employment and Volunteering. Autism Spectrum News, 12 (2). pp. 4 & 26 .
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2019, September). Transitioning back to post-secondary environments after a long summer break. Exceptional Parent Magazine, pp. 22-25.
Di Gregorio, K. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2019, April). Helping Your Child with Autism Transition to Adulthood, the World of Work, and Independence. Exceptional Parent Magazine. pp.24-26.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2019, January). Planning for Employment for Students with Special Needs. Exceptional Parent Magazine. 2019 Resource Guide: Navigating Special Needs Resources. pp. 56-60.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2019, Winter). Transition Planning for the Long Haul -Life Beyond College. Autism Spectrum News, 11 (3): pp. 1, 6, 30 .
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2018, October). Which Way Do We Go? Transitioning from High School to Employment. Exceptional Parent Magazine. pp 26-29:
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2018, Spring). 6 Tips for Applying to a College Based Transition Program.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2018, Spring). 6 Ways to Foster Independence in Young Adults with Special Needs.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2018, Spring). Paying for a College Transition Program.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2018, Spring). ABLE Act Information.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2017, September). Thinking about study abroad: International Students Should Think Boston!
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2017, June). What are pre-employment skills and how does my child get them? Parenting Special Needs.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2016, May 24). Should students on the autism spectrum consider study abroad? Part II
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2016, May 10). Should students on the autism spectrum consider study abroad? Part I
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2016, March 29). Best & Worst States for Employment for People with Disabilities.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, November 4). Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities Buck the Divorce Trend.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, November 3). Study finds children with autism more likely to be obese.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, October 28). Safety in Numbers: Traveling with Students on the Autism Spectrum.
VanBergeijk, E.O., (2015, Fall). Safety in Numbers: Traveling with students on the spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 8 (2): pp.10,19,26.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, September 23). Canada Faces a Tsunami of Unemployment for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, September 22). Encouraging News Regarding the Impact of Post-secondary Programs.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2015, September). Federal Government continues its drive to include students with intellectual disabilities in higher education. Exceptional Parent, 45 (9) pp.38-41.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2015, Summer). The ever-changing landscape of higher education: An opportunity for students on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 8 (1): pp. 1,14,16.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (2015, May 7). How to help kids and save money. Riverhead News Review, P. 8.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, April 4). An Opportunity for a Living Wage for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum? Electronics Recycling and Refurbishing. Exceptional Parent Magazine.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, March 28). International Travel for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, Why Bother?
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, February 9). The benefits of international travel for students with disabilities.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, February 4). Green goods: Green jobs! Parenting Special Needs,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2015, February 1). Organizing international group travel for students with disabilities. Exceptional Parent.45 (2): Pp: 50-53.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, Fall). Green goods and services: A new niche in the economy for individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum News,7 (2): p. 12.24.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, November 12). When a student with autism wants a career working with computers. Part 2: What are the career options if a college education isn’t appropriate?
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, November 3). When a student with autism wants a career working with computers. Part I.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, October 12). Where can individuals with autism find employment that produces a living wage? Fact Based
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, September). How can young adults on the autism spectrum find jobs that produce a living wage? Expert,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, September). Electronics recycling & refurbishing- An opportunity for a living wage for individuals on the autism spectrum? Exceptional Parent, 44 (4): pp: 46-48
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, July). Autism: A Tsunami of Need. The New Idealist (6) – The Autism Issue.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, July). Autism -The Clinical View: A Tsunami of Need (Online Extra). The Intelligent Review
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, March). Preparing students with disabilities for international travel. Exceptional Parent, 44 (3): pp.30-33.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2014, February). Preparing students with special needs and learning issues for college.,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, October). Overcoming obstacles to employment. Exceptional Parent pp. 29-31.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, September). Managing the effects of divorce on children with and without disabilities.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, September). “Assessing an institution for students with mental illness.”
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, Fall). Financing post-secondary education and job training. Autism Spectrum News.
Ranaldo, M., VanBergeijk, E.O., and Vlasak, E. (2013, September). Using applications to aid at school, home, and transitioning to post-secondary environments. Exceptional Parent, pp. 50-53,
Antwi, R., Vlasak, E., and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, August). Managing common medical conditions as a part of transition planning. Exceptional Parent, pp. 41-43.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, July). “Assessing an institution for students with hearing impairment and deafness.”
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, July). Summer travel options for children with disabilities. Exceptional Parent, pp.46-48.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, July). “Assessing an institution for students with visual impairments.”
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, May). “Assessing an institution for students with physical disabilities.” .
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, May). Bike riding: Family fun and exercise. Exceptional Parent, pp.26-27.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, Spring). Summer bridge programs: Opportunities to maximize transition success. Autism Spectrum News.5 (4): pp. 1, 24.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2013, March). Promoting Executive Functioning over the summer vacation. Parenting Special Needs Magazine, pp. 42-43.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, March). Preventing the loss of skills over the summer. Exceptional Parent, pp. 30-33.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, March). When do I begin transition planning? Different Roads, (30): p.73.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, February). Providing access to higher education & employment. Exceptional Parent, (re-print).
Cappellino, P., Frisina, G. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2013, January/February). Financial literacy for transition. Parenting Special Needs Magazine, pp. 24-26.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2013, Winter). Education, training & job trends. Autism Spectrum News, pp. 7, 35.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). New autism definitions leave too many out of services. Newsday, December 11, 2012.
VanBergeijk, E.O. and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012, December). Job trends and students with disabilities. Exceptional Parent, pp. 24-26.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012, November/December). Planning your special child's future: It's never too early to start!" Parenting Special Needs Magazine, pp. 26-27.
VanBergeijk, E. O. and Cavanagh, P. K. (2012, November) Teaching financial literacy: A key aspect on the road to independence. Exceptional Parent, pp. 28-30.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012, October). Employment & transitioning: Ten tips –Finding the right transition program. Exceptional Parent, pp. 41-43.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012, September,). NYIT: Providing access to higher education & employment. Exceptional Parent, pp. 23-26.
VanBergeijk, E.O., Cavanagh, P.K., and Borchers, N. (2012, August). The Post 9/11 G.I. Bill: A way to pay for your dependents’ college. Exceptional Parent, pp. 50-52.
VanBergeijk, E.O., Cavanagh, P.K., and Borchers, N. (July 16, 2012). Educational funding for military Dependents in the USA, i-Student Advisor,
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (June 6, 2012). Finding meaningful summer experiences to aid transition. Parenting Special Needs Magazine. Special Spotlight.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012, Summer). Finding and evaluating empirically based interventions for individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 5 (1): pp. 1, 18, & 23.
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Cavanagh, P.K. (2012 May/June). Federal Student Aid for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A well-kept secret? Parenting Special Needs Magazine, pp.64-65
Cavanagh, P.K. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012, Spring). Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTPs) programs: An emerging model for transitioning individuals with ASDs to adulthood. Autism Spectrum News, 4 (4): pp.4, 29.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). When a student with autism seeks employment: Personal contacts and experience matter- Part II. I-Student Advisor.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). When a student with autism seeks employment: Personal contacts and experience matter- Part I. I-Student Advisor.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2012). When a student with a disability seeks employment: Education matters. I-Student Advisor.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (December 2011). Changes in federal policy help students with intellectual disabilities gain access to college. Exceptional Parent, pp.38-39. Retrieved December 9, 2011.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). When a student with an intellectual disability needs money for continuing their education. I-Student Advisor. Retrieved December 1, 2011.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). When a student with autism enters the college classroom. I-Student Advisor. Retrieved November 11, 2011.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). When a student with a hidden disability enters the college classroom. I-Student Advisor. Retrieved October 17, 2011.
Cavanagh, P.K. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011, Fall). The unique needs of students with autism spectrum disorders transitioning to college. Autism Spectrum News, 4 (2): pp.16,29.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). Life after high school for students with disabilities. I-Student Advisor,
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2011). Preparing children on the autism spectrum for travel. OARACLE: Organization for Autism Research E-Newsletter, (July 2011).
VanBergeijk, E.O., and Hollander, R. (2011, Spring). Divorce with a child on the spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 3 (4): pp. 23, 41.
Cavanagh, P. K. and VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010, Fall). New source of funding for postsecondary education: Higher Education Opportunities Act allows new opportunities for individuals with ASD. Autism Spectrum News, 3 (2): pp. 13, 38.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010, September/October). Postsecondary options for students with learning disabilities. LINK Magazine, pp. 3-4.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010, September). Ten questions to ask when exploring postsecondary educational options for students on the autism spectrum. Exceptional Parent, 40 (9): pp.16-17.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2010, Summer). Alleviating the stress of the postsecondary transition. Autism Spectrum News, 3(1): pp. 19, 35.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2009, Fall). Assessment for transition planning. Autism Spectrum News, 2 (2): pp. 27, 46
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2009, Summer). Incorporating exercise in a healthy lifestyle for adults on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 2 (1); pp. 30, 52.
VanBergeijk, E.O., (2009, Summer). Post-secondary educational models prepare individuals with an ASD to enter the workforce. Autism Spectrum News,1(4): pp.37, 42.
VanBergeijk, E.O., (2009). Travel advice for higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum. Exceptional Parent, 39(12): pp. 44-45.
VanBergeijk, E.O., (2009, Spring). Travel training for higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism Spectrum News, 1 (3): pp. 32, 40.
VanBergeijk, E.O., (2009, Winter). Research in parenting a child with Asperger Syndrome identifies challenges and strategies. Autism Spectrum News, 1 (2): pp.37, 46.
VanBergeijk, E. O. (1999). Old MacDonald Needs to ‘86’ the Antiquated Idea: A Response to Heather MacDonald’s Foster Care’s Underworld. The City Journal.
VanBergeijk, E.O. Children’s Council Needed. Tallahassee Democrat. April 10, 1989
VanBergeijk, E. O. and Gatti, L. (2005). A Review of the VIP Programs of the New York Institute of Technology.
VanBergeijk, E. O. and Gatti, L. (2005). Comparable Programs to New York Institute of Technology Vocational Independence Program: A Supplemental Report.
VanBergeijk, E.O. (2005). The Phoenix House Community Mentoring Program: An Evaluation.
Sutton, H. (2018, September 12). A Brief Conversation with Ernst VanBergeijk. Support Alumni with Social Activities, Career Services. Disability Compliance for Higher Education.
White, M. (2015, May 9). Taking special needs kids to new heights. Riverhead News Review,
(Electronic edition).
White, M. (2015, May 7). Taking special needs kids to new heights. The Suffolk Times, P. 9.
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Sarris, M. (2014). Finding a College Program for Students with Autism. May 12, 2014. Interactive Autism Network at the Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Sarris, M. (2014). Autism and the College Experience. May 12, 2014. Interactive Autism Network at the Kennedy Krieger Institute
Sarris, M. (2014). Daily Living Skills: A Key to Independence for People with Autism. April 10, 2014. Interactive Autism Network at the Kennedy Krieger Institute
Sarris, M. (2014). Coming of Age: Autism and the Transition to Adulthood. Interactive Autism Network at the Kennedy Krieger Institute April 8, 2014.
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Ricks, D. (2011). Autism wandering highlighted in new report. Newsday, April 21, 2011.
Arschin, D. (2011). The Vocational Independence Program. Long Island News 12 NYIT Roundtable, January 11, 2011.
Autism Speaks Local Grant: Mobile i-Pad Lab (2016). NYIT Vocational Independence Program.
Autism Speaks. Brian & Patricia Kelly Scholarship Award (2015). NYIT Vocational Independence Program.
National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Program. The Impact of Asperger Syndrome on Family Functioning. Grant Number L30 HD05396601.
Fordham University Faculty Research Award. (2005-2006 Academic Year)
The Impact of Asperger Syndrome on Family Functioning Study.
Fordham University Faculty Research Award. (2004-2005 Academic Year)
Parents of Children with Asperger Syndrome Study.
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service Faculty Development Research Grant. The Impact of Asperger Syndrome on Family Functioning Study.
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service Faculty Development Research Grant. Parents of Children with Asperger Syndrome Study
Outstanding Dissertation Proposal Award. Columbia University School of Social Work.
Board of Education of the City of New York. Designated Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect in New York City Public Schools Study.
Administration for Children’s Services. Designated Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect in New York City Public Schools Study.
Pupil Personnel Services Credential – State of California
School Social Work Specialist Credential – NASW
Special Education Administrator – All Levels
Professional Support Personnel-School Social Worker/Adjustment Counselor
NAUI Scuba Instructor #10401. SDI Scuba Instructor #29388
Professional Rescuer CPR-First Response Training International
First Aid-First-Response Training International
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)-First Response Training International
Oxygen Administration & Management-First Response Training International
Proficient in Dutch and French.
Level 1 American Sign Language (ASL).
One year of college level Spanish.
Knowledge of Afrikaans.